This past year I read a number of (somewhat satirical) articles about the "sad beige" aesthetic, where parents are furnishing their baby's nursery in (and dressing their babies) in natural fabrics and neutral colors only: beige, ecru, cream, etc.
As the writers of these articles point out, however, in a few years these beige-clad babies won't be playing with wooden blocks but will be surrounded with a sea of colorful plastic toys like every other kid.
And yet I have to admit there's something appealing about these neutral colors.
Anyway, here's my sad beige potholder, but I'll just call it my "soothing neutral tone" potholder. The colors are autumn, white winter (cream), and bright white. (Of course, if you're not into sad beige thing, you could make this pattern with bright colors!)
Here's how to make it:
Vertical, from left to right:
winter white
bright white
winter white
bright white
winter white
bright white
bright white
winter white
bright white
winter white
bright white
winter white
Horizontal (left, from bottom to top): Use the same pattern as above.